Montauk Valley Cabins

About Us
Finding peace and solitude in the beauty of nature
The Shelby family has been coming to Montauk for 4 generations.
Jim Shelby started coming with his Father in the 1960's, then after he married and started a family he and Mary Shelby brought their children Mike and Kathy Shelby to the park.
When Mike and Jane Shelby married they continued bringing their children to Montauk.
In 2020 Jim and Mary Shelby and Mike and Jane Shelby decided to buy a total of 75 acres in Salem Mo 2 miles away from Montauk State Park.
For the first few years we came down on the weekends and remained living in Jefferson County MO.
In 2022 both families purchased another 75 acres together and decided to move full time to the land near Montauk State Park.
In 2024 we began construction on Montauk Valley Cabins and the rest is history.
Jim decided to "retire" after moving to the Farm.
Mary continues work as a Hospice RN in the Sullivan MO area.
Mike continues working in the St Louis area in Construction
Jane runs a very successful business in both the St Louis and Salem areas.
Jim and Mary share their home with Sig-a St Bernard and Puzzle-a Great Dane
Mike and Jane share their home with 4 children and their dogs Thor, Bea and Tucker, cat Jinx , horses and a flock of chickens