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Bringing the Cabin to Life

Montauk Valley Cabins has been a dream in the making as well as a labor of love. 

Hundred of hours and lots of blood, sweat and tears have gone into bringing our dream to life, and we thought you might be interested in seeing it from the beginning

Beginning construction on Montauk Valley Cabins near Montauk State Park Salem MO
Building Montauk Valley Cabins near Montauk State Park Salem MO

The Fun Begins

Measuring to begin construction on Montauk Valley Cabins near Montauk State Park Salem MO
Measuring to begin construction on Montauk Valley Cabins near Montauk State Park Salem MO

The beginning of the cabin. Measuring, leveling the ground, pouring the concrete

Moving Right  Along

And next began the bones of the cabin-getting the shell up. And the work continued no matter the weather

Raising the walls at Montauk Valley Cabins near Montauk State Park Salem MO
Working on the rook at Montauk Valley Cabins near Montauk State Park Salem MO
Framing up the cabin at Montauk Valley Cabins near Montauk State Park Salem MO
Working on the living area at Montauk Valley Cabins near Montauk State Park Salem MO
Working on Montauk Valley Cabins near Montauk State Park Salem MO
Working on the living area at Montauk Valley Cabins near Montauk State Park Salem MO
Working on the custom shower at Montauk Valley Cabins near Montauk State Park Salem MO

Finally Getting to the Inside

The work continued on the inside. Although the work continues to be demanding and difficult-at least now the work can be done inside-out of the weather

And Now...The Completed Project

Introducing a dream years in the making

Montauk Valley Cabins

Thanking for taking the time to view the

making of our dream

Completed exterior of Montauk Valley Cabins near Montauk State Park Salem MO
Completed exterior at Montauk Valley Cabins near Montauk State Park Salem MO
Completed bedroom #2 at Montauk Valley Cabins near Montauk State Park Salem MO
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The completed covered deck at Montauk Valley Cabins near Montauk State Park Salem MO
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