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Did You Know: Fun Facts About Montauk

Montauk State Park is a major attraction for Missouri and offers some of the best trout fishing in the state-but what do you really know about the park?

Montauk State Park averages approximately 581,000 plus visitors a year​


Montauk has hiking trails : Montauk Lake Trail 0.80 mile loop, Montauk Springs Trail 0.25 mile loop, a paved bike trail 0.10 miles one way and Pine Ridge Trail 1.40 miles one way


Montauk State Park is known for its trout fishing  and anglers regularly catch rainbow trout and an occasional brown trout​. Montauk State Park is one of the premier destinations for trout fishing in the state.


Opening Day of trout season is March 1st​


In 2024 a total of 2910 tags were sold on opening daywith 288 of those being youth tags​


The most tags ever sold on opening day (as of Feb 2024) was 3921 in 1992


On opening day an average of 3 fish per tag sold are stocked, on average days

1.5-2 fish per tag sold are stocked


There are 7  cold  water springs in the park, including Montauk Springs, which provide over 40,000,000 gallons of water to the Current River daily. The springs are part of 2 sets, one that feeds the fish hatchery and the other that bubbles up along Pigeon Creek


The park has a restored grist mill built in 1896 that is open for tours throughout the year


The park was established in 1926


Montauk State Park is 2.920.12 acres with an elevation of 935 feet


The park has picnic areas and shelters available for day use


Daily trout tags are $5 for adults and $3 for those 15 and under


The daily limit for trout in the park is 4, and brown trout have a 15 in length limit​​​​​​


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